Why you Should Always Reply to an Executive Recruiter


by Christina Vermette and David Portney
Stiles Associates

Executive recruiting firms don’t reach out to just anyone, only to those individuals who are uniquely qualified to talk about a particular role they’re hiring for on behalf of a client organization. You might be happy to stay in your current position, which is great, but speaking with recruiters can lead to doors you didn’t previously think could open.

What Your Employees and Top Candidates Really Care About


by Christina Vermette and David Portney
Stiles Associates

A lot’s been written and discussed how the workplace has dramatically shifted since the start of the pandemic. Companies have struggled to keep up, resulting in talented employees leaving for new opportunities while being unable to replenish them at the same rate. Part of the problem is senior leaders have long managed employees and hiring a certain way, so not only acknowledging, but immediately updating areas that employees care most about will result in significant improvement in recruiting and retaining A-talent.