The Best Questions for a Hiring Manager to Ask a Recruiter

The Best Questions for a Hiring Manager to Ask a Recruiter

When a company is looking to hire an executive recruiting partner, it's essential to ask the right questions to ensure they find a transformation leader who not only has the experience and credentials on paper, but matches the company’s culture and fit.

Here are some important questions a company can ask an executive recruiter before partnering on a search:

Experience and qualifications

  • How many years of experience does your recruiting team have?
  • What industries and functional areas are you most experienced in?

Sourcing strategies

  • How do you source candidates? What tools and platforms do you use?
  • Can you describe your approach to passive candidate sourcing?
  • How do you stay updated on the latest recruiting trends and technologies?

Understanding of company needs

  • How do you typically gather information about a company's culture and hiring needs?
  • Can you provide examples of past experiences where you successfully recruited for similar roles or industries?

Diversity and inclusion

  • What strategies do you employ to attract a diverse pool of candidates?

Interview and assessment techniques

  • What methods do you use to assess candidate skills and cultural fit?
  • Can you share your approach to conducting effective interviews and reference checks?

Candidate experience

  • How do you ensure a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process?
  • What steps do you take to maintain communication with candidates?

Metrics and reporting

  • How do you measure the success of your recruiting efforts?
  • Can you provide examples of key performance indicators (KPIs) you've used to evaluate your work?

Market knowledge

  • How do you stay informed about the current job market and salary trends?
  • Can you provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in the current recruiting landscape?

References and success stories

  • Can you provide references from past clients or employers?
  • Do you have any success stories or case studies related to challenging hiring projects?

Ethical and legal considerations

  • How do you ensure compliance with labor laws and ethical recruiting practices?
  • What steps do you take to protect candidate privacy and sensitive information?

Cost and timeline

  • What is your fee structure or compensation expectations?
  • What is your typical timeline for filling a position?

Communication and collaboration

  • How do you collaborate with hiring managers and other stakeholders?
  • How do you handle conflicts or disagreements during the recruitment process?

Long-term partnership

  • Are you interested in a long-term partnership with our company?
  • How do you plan to continuously improve the recruitment process for our organization?

Cultural fit

  • How would you describe your own work culture and values, and how do they align with our company's culture?

The executive recruiting team at Stiles Associates has over 30 years of experience working with clients to attract the A-players. If you have a hiring need – whether now or in the near future – contact us right away to get the process started.