Why the Summer is the Best Time to Recruit Executives

Why the Summer is the Best Time to Recruit Executives

by Ted Stiles and David Portney
Stiles Associates

There’s no better time than the summer to recruit new executives. While many senior leaders take some much-deserved time off at their favorite vacation destinations; the kids spend their days at summer camps and pools; and companies experience a seasonal dip in activity – there’s a pool of A-players standing by who are available to drive performance and cultural change. By going on offense, hiring managers can impact their companies for the long haul by taking advantage of the environment right now.

Vacation schedules

Despite company leaders enjoying time with friends and family, they’re often still checking emails, voicemails and LinkedIn messages out of sheer habit. This leaves the door open for hiring managers and recruiters to enter their inboxes at a time when they’re looking less full than they do at busier times of the year. It also means it’s easier for them to make the time to talk about a potential new career opportunity because they’re not spending quite as much time in the office. Suddenly, that mid-day interview on a Wednesday becomes possible when it won’t be once they’re back among their colleagues – this is especially true if an in-person visit is required. Trying to schedule a face-to-face interview with a candidate who’s in the office can derail the entire process, so lining up a time when they’re already off allows for more efficient coordination and planning.

Relocating families

The challenge of relocation has become one of the thorniest to navigate over the last few years, especially for candidates with school-age children. While it’s not easy no matter what time of year, lobbying top candidates to move their families in the summer – when school is out – gives employers one of the most effective tools in their relocation toolbox that won’t cost extra compensation. The transition will likely be far easier for the kids than pulling them out in the middle of the school year.

Competitive advantage

Summer is a notoriously slow recruiting season for a handful of industries as their hiring managers also take well-deserved time off. This means the competition is likely not pursuing the top transformation leaders, enlarging the talent pool that won’t be there by the time the leaves start changing colors. By actively engaging with recruiters in the summer, organizations can stand out as proactive and serious about their ability to quickly onboard new executives.

Candidates use this time to reflect

Summer vacation, especially around the July 4th holiday, is time for a kind of reflection that only compares to the winter holiday season. People are spending more time with family, friends and loved ones than they typically do, resulting in them taking stock of what’s truly important. This often means re-evaluating their own roles and careers that can lead to them considering a change, so the impact of an executive recruiter reaching out amid that time of reflection is exponentially greater than when they’re back in the everyday grind.

Overall, the availability of executives combined with the relocation advantages in the summer months give companies a unique opportunity to bring in the A-players and gain an edge on the competition. To ensure you don’t miss out, reach out to discuss your hiring needs with a Stiles Associates Partner.