Private Equity Outlook is Positive for the Remainder of 2023


by Matthew Ayers and David Portney
Stiles Associates

It’s no secret Q1 was an uncharacteristically slow time in private equity, as Pitchbook estimated a 14.4 percent drop in exits compare d to Q4 2022 – accounting for a combined value of $55.9 billion (the lowest total since Q2 2020). Is this a warning of what’s to come or just a blip on the radar? What does this mean for retaining, recruiting or potentially letting go of executives in PE firms and their portfolio companies? These are all questions being asked in the PE community, and executive recruiters like Stiles Associates often have the first insights of what to expect due to our close proximity to hiring trends.

Three Common Types of Job Searches for Executive Recruiting Firms


by David Portney, Marketing Manager
Stiles Associates

Finding and bringing in the industry’s top leadership talent is one of the most important responsibilities companies have, yet they often struggle to define the best methods to secure those individuals. Many turn to their own internal human resources departments to spearhead the searches, but they can easily overwhelm a staff and prevent them from performing their many other responsibilities. If companies even have specialized talent acquisition employees, they often don’t have the network that’s required to truly access the A-players.

Interim Management Success Stories


The following is a sample of Interim Management searches Stiles Associates filled on behalf of client organizations. In each example, our dedicated executive recruiters worked with the client to craft a custom search strategy, tapping into our proprietary network of proven executives for each client’s mission-critical temporary need.

Lean Thrives in Service Industries


by Ted Stiles, Partner
Stiles Associates

It’s well understood that the tools, concepts and management system practices we know as “Lean” are rooted in the Toyota Production System, but the last three decades have shown us that Lean’s applicability extends well beyond automotive manufacturing. Today, these tools and concepts are used in nearly every type of manufacturing process in existence including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, building materials, industrial materials and much more.

Don’t Overlook These Aspects of a Video Interview


by Sara Nichols and David Portney
Stiles Associates

Once you move on to the interview stage of the hiring process, it’s easy to get excited about meeting your potential new colleagues and joining a new organization, but you need to focus on making sure the videoconference goes off without a hitch. Putting aside the content of the interview itself, having the right “presentation” on a video interviewing platform like Zoom, Teams or Meet could end up being the difference between landing the role or the company moving on without you.

To ensure you maximize the opportunity to explain why you think you’re the perfect person for the role, ace the aspects of a video call you might not think much about:

Private Equity Expectations Remain High to Close out 2022


by Matthew Ayers, Jen Gomez and David Portney
Stiles Associates

Now that the summer season has come to a close and the fourth quarter is around the corner, private equity is making a comeback after a modest dip in the first half of the year. According to Bain Capital’s Midyear Private Equity Report, Q2 PE deals slowed as increased uncertainty about inflation and geopolitics took hold around the globe. However, while these external reasons certainly played a role, it doesn’t tell the whole story – and we don’t believe the slowdown will last into the fourth quarter.